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Reports in Italiano
The return back, all Italian, to nuclear power.
After the resolution approved by the 10th Standing Committee of the Chamber of Deputies (Productive Activities, Trade and Tourism), committing the Government to take initiatives aiming at implementing the project in Italy, 9 (nine) italian Regional governments approved to compete for the assignment of the EUROfusion DTT (Divertor Tokamak Test Facility), a 500 million euro project with the objective of setting up a nuclear fusion infrastructure in Italy. All this among a long, strange, silence during the latest months of the national election campaign.

Fusion scientist debunks fusion power - Vol.2
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has published another detailed critique of fusion power written by Dr Daniel Jassby.  This time the american scientist has focused, not only the enormous problems and contradictions, hidden by the proponents of nuclear fusion, of the costs and the waste of public money with regard to the economic aspect but also faced troubling concerns related to environmental damage and the huge production of radioactive waste. [Source]

Nuclear fusion: Optimism of the Will, Pessimism of the Intellect.
Enzo Gino is a Piedmontese engineer, esteemed for his intellectual honesty by environmentalists. The governor of Piedmont, the former communist Sergio Chiamparino, wants to build the nuclear fusion DTT plant in Casale Monferrato, a historic city known for the thousands of asbestos victims. The document focuses on the dangers of tritium and deuterium. [Italian Source]
Fusion scientist debunks fusion power - Vol.1
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has published a detailed critique of fusion power written by Dr Daniel Jassby, a former principal research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab with 25 years experience working in areas of plasma physics and neutron production related to fusion energy.
Fusion reactors: Not what they’re cracked up to be
Thorium Dirty Bomb and White supremacist - Nazi groups
★ Tampa-Florida, USA: FBI Agents found inside a cooler a white cake-like substance that tested positive for HMTD, a potent explosive. Nearby, agents also ID'ed potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, ammonia nitrate, and other bomb-making chemicals next to devices that could be used as detonators. Inside Russell's bedroom, two radioactive materials — thorium and americium — were detected.
Thorium Church: a trojan horse in the "green" movements.
Here the Removal Tool. “How do I know if my preferred “green” organization, or group, or leader… is infected by the ‘thorium church’ trojan horse?”. How to protect yourself from malicious propaganda of Thorium Church or from related compromised group or organizations. nonukes Italy, By Massimo Greco.
Like any malware, thorium’s priests are insinuated through any open space or open port .. and they are able to act at different levels. [Australian review]

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