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Quirra: Il Decreto  di sequestro della Procura di Lanusei



Report from a french incident.

Some differences may exist between french and english regulations. Lessons learned are only a translation of those of french incident and are not adapt to english regulation.

Description of the incident

For several years, a research centre used thorium for the synthesis of new materials; this work ceased over 10 years ago. The room where the thorium was handled was adjacent to a recently renovated office. A film dosimeter, stored in this office, twice registered a quarterly dose of 3.5 mSv..

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LA PROTESTA DI KOODANKULAM È COMPLETAMENTE LEGITTIMA di Prashant Bushan - Senior Lawyer - Supreme Court of India:

LA PROTESTA DI KOODANKULAM È COMPLETAMENTE LEGITTIMA di Prashant Bushan - Senior Lawyer - Supreme Court of India


Report from a french incident.

[Source: Environmentalists Against War Steering Committee

- November 28, 2012 -

Helen Jaccard / Special to EAW

Posted in accordance with Title 17, Section 107, US Code, for noncommercial, educational purposes.]


A radiological survey was equested by the regulatory authorities, which determined the origin of this exposure. Thorium deposits had accumulated over the several years of operation in the laboratory’s sewage disposal pipes (the laboratory had no specific radioactive effluent pipeline) – and this was the main source of the recorded doses. A more thorough search revealed significant contamination of workbenches, fume cupboards, kilns and pipes.

The following actions were taken :

The laboratory was immediately closed and sealed, with any remedial measures being subject to prior authorization.
A decontamination operation was conducted by a specialized company.
Information was distributed to laboratory personnel and to persons in the neighboring laboratories.
The technical personnel working in the facilities received specific training regarding chemical and radiological risks.
The costs of decontamination were estimated to be €200,000 and the volume of waste produced by the decontamination work was twenty 200-litre drums.

Radiological consequences

The main exposure route is thought to be from external radiation, ie as indicated on the film dosemeter. The office in question had only recently been occupied; prior to this it was a storage room.
Bioassay tests performed on several staff members that potentially could have been contaminated were negative.
During the decontamination, no airborne contamination was detected.
Lessons to be learned from the incident

Tight controls are required when working with dispersible radioactive materials, and in this case years of bad laboratory practice resulted in significant levels of radioactive contamination. Regular contamination monitoring is an essential control to avoid the accumulation of activity.

It is important to find and retain information on older facilities that may have changed use many years ago, but may still have a legacy of radiation risks. This is particluar relevant in cases where material such as thorium were hsitorically used (ie because it may have been regarded as a "natural" radioactive material, and not subject to the same controls applied to artificial radioactive materials).

A specific pipeline for contaminated liquid effluents should be used to collect all of this waste in a decay tank. This pipe should be checked regularly.

[Source: PDF FILE here: http://relir.cepn.asso.fr/index.php/en/documents/doc_download/118-historical-thorium-contamination-in-a-research-facility.html ]


La "intro" è a cura della Redazione di RNA


Uranium et Thorium, scandale en puissance chez les militaires.


Chiunque voglia attivare contatti con RNA, si rivolgerà solo e soltanto ai seguenti recapiti:



The nuclear physicist Evandro Lodi Rizzini of Brescia University and CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) found elevated levels of radioactive thorium 232 and cerium (proving that the thorium was man-made) in the tissues of 15 of 18 bodies of Quirra-area shepherds who died of cancer between 1995 and 2000.
On March 24, 2012 Fiordalisi indicted twenty people on charges of "willful omission of precautions against injury and aggravated disasters or because they falsely certified the absence of pollution with the aim to "hide the environmental disaster." The documents from Fiordalisi's investigation have now been turned over to a tribunal for prosecution..
Read More here.

Le Versione italiana di HUMAN ERROR diffusa e tradotta da RNA

È un copione che si ripete fino alla nausea. Anche il Governo Indiano Reagisce come qualsiasi governuncolo in crisi ed evoca le "interferenze straniere" negli "affari interni" di uno "Stato Sovrano"... come hanno sempre fatto... da che mondo è mondo, i peggiori dittatori sanguinari, fascisti e quindi mafiosi... che invocano la $ovranità NAZIonale quando il proprio giro d'affari, al servizio delle multinazionali che gli fanno comodo, comincia a vacillare grazie alle proteste interne. Si mettono al bando le ONG, accusate d'interferenza straniera e si spacciano proclami filonucleari in "nome del popolo". Tra repressione e populismo Nazionalitario Fascista.

RNA - Rete Nazionale Antinucleare Contro le Produttività Nocive.

Mentre il Governo USA autorizza nuovi reattori nucleari per la prima volta dal 1978. La contaminazione del trizio in un rapporto dello IEER - INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH.

Quirra: Il Decreto  di sequestro della Procura di Lanusei

Uranio Impoverito - RNA pubblica i decreti di sequestro preventivo e di sequestro probatorio della Procura di Lanusei


Versione diffusa in francese da RNA International.